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Maryland COB

0221 Stamp Student Union | College Park, MD, 20742 | 301-314-7172 | umdrecruitment@gmail.com | www.umdpha.com

Welcome to the University of Maryland Panhellenic’s Continuous Open Bidding (COB) recruitment registration! We’re glad you found us. If you want to feel connected, supported, and encouraged, sorority life is for you!

Step 1: Registering for Recruitment
Registering for recruitment is the first step to finding your home in the sorority community on campus. At the University of Maryland, we believe everyone has a purpose to discover, possibilities to explore, needs people to thrive, and a place to belong. We want to educate and equip you to embark on your journey as a potential new member (PNM). You should feel confident as you participate in recruitment.

Step 2: Gather Your Information
Please have the following information ready for registration:
  • College GPA
  • Credit hours
  • Contact information

GPA and Credit Hours Requirement
You need 12 UMD accepted credit hours and a 2.5 GPA to be eligible for recruitment.
These 12 credits must be transfer or University of Maryland credit only. 
The university will use the GPA on file with the Office of the Registrar to verify eligibility.
Transfer students' eligibility will be based on UMD courses and UMD GPA.

If you have any questions while completing this process, contact Paige Novak, PHA Vice President of Recruitment, at umdrecruitment@gmail.com. Also, check for updates on the PHA website at www.umdpha.com.
Thank you!